Goldwater Lake // Prescott, AZ // Davomana & Mike

Goldwater Lake Prescott Arizona Anniversary Couple Photos Arizona Photographer Fall couple photo-1

Davomana is a family friend, but oddly enough, I had never met her husband! Photos were the perfect reason to finally meet him. But I think photos are a good excuse for just about anything if we’re being honest.

If I were describe Mike, I would say he’s just a big ol’ teddy bear, a tall broad shouldered guy who clearly loves his wife very much. Davomana is a hard working lady boss. The two of them together are such a kickass couple. It was awesome to see them together after hearing about Mike for years.

Davomana wanted to wear her red sweater to give the shoot a Christmassy feel, and I am so glad she did. The red of her sweater popped so gorgeously against the background. I’m all about bright colors during my sessions!

We wandered around the Goldwater Lake trail looking for good spots. You can always count on a Prescott lake to have cute bridges and gorgeous scenery on the trails. Unfortunately, at Goldwater Lake, the sun dips below the tree line taking away from some of the golden hour. You just have to be ready for a ton of lighting situations… which happens to be my job!

Fair warning for all the guys I photograph… you can wear your hat during our session, but I am most likely going to make you take them off for about half of the photos. After all, your lady wants to be able to see your face in the photos for years to come. Photos are all about remembering how things were in that moment. So just smile and humor me when I ask you to take your hat off for a couple shots.

Davomana and Mike are such a sweet couple. I was so happy to finally get to know them together. I am lucky to have known and continue to know Davomana. Next time, I hope to get to photograph their pups too!