6 Questions to Ask Your Wedding Photographer (Before and After You Inquire)


Choosing the right wedding photographer to capture your special day is one of the most important decisions you will make when planning your wedding. Finding the right fit is crucial, and there are a few questions to ask that will help ensure you are both on the same page. Today, I’m sharing a list of the most important questions to ask your wedding photographer and I’ve broken it down into two categories: questions to ask before you book and questions to ask after you’ve started working together. Keep reading to learn more! 



Questions to Ask Your Wedding Photographer Before Booking

How Many Photos Will We Receive?

This is one of the most common questions to ask your wedding photographer and for good reason. Every photographer is going to have a different answer to this question and it is so important to know this information upfront so you are clear on what you can expect and avoid disappointment down the road. 

Some photographers give a smaller amount of photos and do much more in-depth editing on each one. They give only the best of the best photos. Some couples don't prefer this option because they want to see more of their photos from the day and don't care about every detail looking perfect, and would rather see all the moments from the day as they actually unfolded.

On the other hand, some photographers will deliver more photos, but these photos will have less retouching (skin smoothing and changing things to make them look more perfect). With this option, you will get more photos, but keep in mind, many of these photos may look similar. This option is best for couples who want more photos from their day and who don’t care if the photos aren’t perfectly retouched.

Of course, no matter which option you prefer, you want to make sure your wedding day memories are captured, but remember, even more important than the quantity of photos is the quality and diversity. For my couples, I provide at least 100 photos an hour, often more. While this does end up being a lot of photos, I don't ever want to assume that a moment isn't special for you. I want to include all the moments captured since these photos are going to last you a lifetime!

*Pro tip: When inquiring with your wedding photographer, ask to see a full gallery of a standard-sized wedding so you can see what the typical number of photos in a gallery looks like visually.

Bride an groom hug during wedding photos in the desert

Are There Any Additional Fees We Might Have to Pay?

There are so many costs associated with planning a wedding and prices can start to add up quickly. Fees can be an inconvenience at best, or they can significantly impact your wedding budget and plans at their worst. That’s why it’s important to clearly understand the details around your wedding photography package and be informed about any fees that could be added should your plans change. 

For my couples, travel and taxes are included in all of my photography packages. Generally, there are no additional fees when couples book one of my packages, but be aware that you might have to pay extra if your venue requires any sort of permit or parking fee or if you decide you want more photography time on the day of.

Wedding party cheers while bride and groom kiss
Wedding party group photo

What Can I Expect From You Throughout the Process?

This is an important question to ask your wedding photographer so you know exactly what to expect during your time working together. Every wedding photographer’s process will be different, but it’s important to make sure that you both connect with each other and are clear on what looking together might entail. 

I like to be there for my clients as much or as little as they need. I always promise to be there for any and every question you might have, but I also trust that you will ask me those questions when they come up. I also check in at different times throughout the process to ensure that we are on track. Communication with every couple looks a little different, but I do my best to follow your lead and communicate as much or as little as you like.



Questions to Ask Your Wedding Photographer After Booking

Can You Help Me Perfect My Timeline for the Best Lighting?

YES, please! Your wedding photography timeline is one of the most important things when it comes to preparing for your wedding. Your timeline will help you know exactly how your day is going to unfold and will help guide you throughout the day, ensuring all the important moments are captured. You’ll definitely want to ask your photographer for help with this throughout the process. Even if you are working with a wedding planner, having a wedding photography timeline is crucial to a seamless wedding day experience. 

If possible, ask your photographer what time is best for the ceremony. Since this is one of the most important moments in your day, you’ll want to make sure you have the best light for these photos.

Bride and groom kiss on the steps of a white chap during their Arizona wedding

Do You Work Best With or Without a Shot List?

The answer to this question will depend on your photographer. Some photographers want a shot list of everything you would want to see in your gallery while others feel that they only need a list for family photos. It is good to have expectations about this early on in your wedding planning process so you don’t create a list only to have wasted that time.

For my couples, I only need a list of family photos from you. Most shot lists with more than this end up having photos I am going to take anyways or lead to photos that may not feel genuine depending on how your day plays out. In order to make the most of your wedding photography time, I only ask for a family list and any unique photos that you may really want (ie - a partner with their college roommate, taking shots before walking down the aisle, detail photos, or moments honoring loved ones who have passed, etc).

Wedding family photos at Arizona wedding

What Can I Do To Make the Day Go Smoother?

I love when clients ask this question! Of course, everyone wants their wedding day to go according to plan, and preparing in advance is one of the best ways to have a higher chance of a stress-free wedding. A few things that help the wedding day go smoother for your photographer (hopefully me 😉) are:

  • Putting your details together in a box. This way on the day of your wedding you don't have to search around for everything and possibly forget something while you’re in the middle of getting ready.

  • Be aware of the timeline, but also know that it won't be exact. For instance, it can be helpful if one of you realizes that a family member is making family photos take too long and things need to be gently pushed along. While that is something I can do as your photographer, I also try to respect you and your family and allow everyone to enjoy the day as it unfolds. This is where hiring a wedding planner or coordinator or asking a trusted family member or friend to oversee the family wedding photos can be helpful.

  • Speaking of family photos, it is helpful to use exact family member names on your family photo list. By the time your wedding day arrives, I generally already know who your parents and siblings are, but for specific groupings that include inlaws or aunts and uncles, it is very helpful to simply read out names so everyone knows when they are in the photo.



Finding the right wedding photographer to capture your special day is an exciting process. Hopefully, these questions will help you as you look to find the best wedding photographer for your day. 

If you liked what you read here, I’d love to get to meet you and be a part of your wedding day! Get in touch now to check availability and inquire for more information.