Midsized Magpie Boudoir

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Representation is so important, which is why I am so excited to share this Size-Inclusive Boudoir Photography collaboration with you. Boudoir is for every body, regardless of size, shape or color, and I hope these Mesa Boudoir Portraits help you on your journey with self-love and body positivity. 

As we head into summer, no doubt so many of you are starting to feel daunted about showing off your body at the beach or the pool, or even just wearing shorts out to the supermarket. I’m here to say – let’s forget about summer diets or bikini-ready workouts because you know what? EVERY. BODY. IS. A. BEACH. BODY. You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again, but I know it can be SO hard to remember when it comes to yourself. 

If you follow me on social media, you’ll know striving for body positivity and acceptance is an important part of my life and my story. I also love empowering women through boudoir photography. Not so long ago, I got to combine those two loves by collaborating with the incredible Maggie from Midsize Magpie on this Size-Inclusive Boudoir Photography session. We teamed up with Gracie from the Traveling Salon and shot these gorgeous Mesa Boudoir Portraits at a beautiful space in Beloved Studios

My hope is that this shoot is coming at you right in time to remind you that your value has nothing to do with your size. That your weight does not define your worth. That you are beautiful and worthy of love, always. And – say it with me:

That Every Body is a Beach Body!!


Size-Inclusive Boudoir Photography

Another thing you might have noticed about me – I love boudoir portraits! I love how empowering and fun they are. I love that they’re a chance to celebrate the female form. I love seeing the way my client’s faces light up when they see the photos and realize that’s really them in the picture (and yes, they are that gorgeous!). Something I wish I saw more of though is size-inclusive boudoir photography. 

As much as I adore boudoir, I also know that it can be very vulnerable. It’s even harder to enter into this space if you’re not used to seeing bodies that look like your own. Instead of just wishing I saw more diverse representation in boudoir, I decided to do something about it. Boudoir should be accessible and welcoming to everyone, and that’s why I was so excited to team up with Midsize Magpie for this shoot. Maggie is all about body positivity and sharing her honest journey, struggles and triumphs, with body image. She is beautiful inside and out and working with her was an absolute dream.

Mesa Boudoir Portraits

For Maggie’s Mesa Boudoir Portraits, we teamed up with Gracie from the Travelling Salon for hair and makeup. Getting your hair and makeup done for a boudoir shoot isn’t necessary, but it can be an added touch to make you feel really special, pampered and beautiful. 

As for the location, there are so many options! You could plan your Mesa Boudoir Portraits at home, at a gorgeous Airbnb, or even somewhere in the outdoors. Another amazing option is to shoot at a photography studio, like Beloved Studios. They have a few different private set ups to choose from, so that you can enjoy being in a beautifully styled, intimate space for your shoot. 

If you’d like to book in your very own Mesa Boudoir Portraits session, I’d love to help you plan something incredible. Just get in touch here! 

I’d love to start a discussion about Size-Inclusive Boudoir Photography and inclusive photography in general. Is there something else you wish you saw more of in this space? Do you love the idea of boudoir, but something is holding you back? Sound off in the comments below (or feel free to send me a message), and let’s stand up for body positivity together.  

Emily Frankel