Don’t stress about smiling!

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“He said he will need help to smile.” “He thinks he’s going to ruin the photos.” I often get comments like this from a man’s significant other when we schedule a couple session. For some reason guys think that smiling is going to be difficult for them. I always brush these comments aside and assure the ladies that it will not be a problem.

I have never been wrong. When a couple is being photographed, it is because they are madly in love and want that captured. Because of this, the men are always smiling. Why wouldn’t they when they are kissing and cuddling the woman of their dreams?!

There is sometimes a stigma around men smiling and showing emotion, but this disappears when it comes to couple photos. Couple photos are all about showing the couples as what they are when they are together. If the couple is silly and giggly, then they will both be smiling and laughing; if they are passionate and romantic, then they might not smile as much. There are no rules about what a couple has to do in front of the camera. All the photographer needs is for them to be themselves.

Every one of these photos was taken without me saying, “smile!”, each and every one of these smiles is genuine and candid. None of this only applies to men, women get nervous about smiling in front of the camera as well. So to all of my past and future clients, just be yourself! Photographer’s never want their clients to look bad, trust that they will take photos that show your best possible self.